Space Planning

for Workplace Adaptations


Create Scenarios

A new urgency is emerging to support safe returns to the office: flexible scenarios for our workplaces that make smart use of square footage when occupancy fluctuates. Now anyone can mock up space arrangements quickly with annotations on floor plans, and see the resulting area calculations. Invite a team to help or give feedback. Show decision makers your scenarios and and move forward with confidence.

Mark up Floor Plans at scale


Communicate Options

Collaboration and feedback can be challenging to ask for and harder to manage. Do it yourself, or with the support of a team, but don’t scrimp on stakeholder feedback.

  • Visuals on floor plans need to be easy to understand and easily modified.

  • Arrive at solid plan knowing that you have asked the right people to weigh in.

  • Collaborate with a team pulled from anywhere; get input from stakeholders right when you need it.

Analyze The cumulative Impact of a scenario


Harness Data

Forecast space requirements from utilization patterns or headcount growth forecasts. Support your scenarios with both objective and subjective data.

Gather data to see current trends